Microneedling with PRP has become increasingly popular in recent years, praised for its rejuvenating effects on the skin. However, the increasing demand has also resulted in more unlicensed providers offering these treatments. Understanding the risks associated with receiving microneedling with PRP from an unlicensed provider is crucial for anyone considering this procedure.
Understanding Microneedle with PRP

Microneedling con PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) consiste en utilizar un dispositivo con agujas finas y estériles que crean miles de microcanales diminutos y controlados en la superficie de la piel que propician un entorno intenso de producción de colágeno. Su enfermera entonces masajear suavementes PRP en estos canales que mejora la eficacia de la microneedling solo. Los pequeños canales producidos por las microagujas crean un camino hacia las capas profundas de la piel. Además de la producción de colágeno, el procedimiento reduces líneas de expresión y mejoras textura general de la piel. Los beneficios son significativos cuando los realiza un professional cualificado. Por muy eficaz que sea este procedimiento, puede ser muy peligroso cuando los proporcione una persona sin licencia.
Importancia de los proveedores y centros autorizados
Using a licensed provider in a licensed facility is essential to ensure the safety and effectiveness of microneedling with PRP. Licensed providers have undergone rigorous training and adhere to strict sterility and regulatory standards. They are required to complete specific nursing and medical training programs, which cover anatomy, sterile techniques, injection methods, and emergency procedures. These qualifications significantly reduce the likelihood of complications during the procedure.
Regulatory bodies, such as the California Board of Nursing and the California Medical Board, establish safety standards that licensed providers must follow. Facility licensing bodies also enforce the standardized use of sterile equipment, proper handling of blood products, and adherence to hygiene protocols. Compliance with these standards protects patients from infections and health risks while holding providers, whether Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants (PAs), or physicians, accountable for their care processes.
When you opt for microneedling with PRP from an unlicensed provider, you expose yourself to numerous risks. These risks stem from a lack of proper training, inadequate knowledge of medical protocols, and potentially unsanitary practices. Health risks include infections, allergic reactions, and improper administration of the treatment. Infections can occur if the equipment is not sterile or if hygiene protocols are not followed. Allergic reactions and complications may arise from incorrect handling of the PRP or the reuse of equipment. It is important to note that the highest safety standards dictate never reusing needles or blood collection tubes.
The quality of the results can also be significantly compromised when the procedure is performed by someone without proper credentials. Patients may experience uneven skin texture, prolonged bruising, or minimal improvement in their skin condition, ultimately leading to dissatisfaction and the need for corrective treatments.
Caso reciente de persona sin licencia que causa infecciones por VIH
A recent case was the topic of an article in Medscape Nurses, May 2nd edition of Medical News:
“At least three clients of an unlicensed spa in New Mexico contracted HIV after receiving microneedling with PRP, according to an investigation by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
La investigación, que ha durado cinco años y algunas partes siguen en curso, ha provocado el cierre del balneario y plantea interrogantes sobre la seguridad pública en las clínicas de estética.
Aunque la transmisión del VIH por prácticas de inyección no estériles es un riesgo conocido, ésta es la primera vez que se ha relacionado con los servicios de inyección de cosméticos, dijo Anna Stadelman-Behar, PhD, MPH, epidemióloga del Servicio de Inteligencia Epidémica de los CDC".
Several individuals were infected with HIV and had no known risk factors, which initially led to the investigation. According to the article, investigators discovered several troubling lapses in basic medical and sterility processes:
- En una encimera de cocina, una centrifugadora, un baño seco caliente y una gradilla de tubos sin etiquetar que contienen sangre.
- In a refrigerator, unlabeled tubes of blood and medical injectables, including Botox and lidocaine, stored along with food.
- Unwrapped syringes in drawers, on counters, and discarded in regular trash cans.
- No hay autoclave para esterilización por vapor en las Instalaciones.
- Sólo limpieza de superficies para equipos de procedimientos con aerosol desinfectante de cloruro y toallitas desinfectantes de cloruro de benzalconio después de cada visita del cliente.
- Puntas desecadoras eléctricas desechables, destinadas a ser utilizadas una sola vez, se limpian únicamente por inmersión en alcohol para ser reutilizadas.
El propietario del balneario operaba sin las licencias adecuadas en varios locales y no disponía de un sistema de programación de citas que almacenara la información de contacto de los clients.
Checking Certifications
Look for certifications from recognized boards or organizations. Providers should display their certifications prominently in their office or be able to provide proof upon request. A lack of verifiable credentials or reluctance to discuss their training and experience should raise concerns. The National Provider Database also maintains information about providers and any complaints they may be facing. Be cautious of providers who offer significantly lower prices than others or operate in non-medical settings. A provider offering microneedling with PRP should be able to confidently describe the procedure, along with its risks and benefits.
Although microneedling with PRP can provide significant skin benefits, it is crucial to ensure that a licensed and qualified provider performs the procedure. The risks associated with unlicensed providers outweigh the potential benefits. Always verify the credentials of your provider and prioritize your health and safety.
Preguntas frecuentes
What are the common side effects of microneedling with PRP?
Common side effects include redness, swelling, and bruising at the treatment site, which usually resolve within a few days.
How can I ensure that my provider is licensed?
To ensure your provider is licensed, check for certifications from recognized medical boards and ask to see their credentials. Additionally, research their background and read reviews from previous clients.
What should I do if I experience complications after microneedling with PRP?
If you experience severe pain, signs of infection, or other unusual symptoms, contact your provider immediately. Seek medical attention if necessary.
Is microneedling with PRP safe for all skin types?
While generally safe, it is crucial to consult with a qualified provider to determine if this treatment is suitable for your specific skin type and condition.
How long do the results of microneedling with PRP last?
The results typically last between six months to a year, depending on individual skin conditions and follow-up care.